The following letter was submitted by a family that received reunification services.


Dear The JAYC Foundation,

My name is [N] and when I was eleven, I was kidnapped and held hostage for seven years.

I am about to complete my stay at Transitioning Families. Dr. Bailey is so much fun! She is such a warm person and I am so happy she “gets it”. Jane and Cynthia are beautiful, amazing woman who understand as well, and of course I cannot say enough about Charles’ cooking!

I am reunifying with my sisters, and the process has been such a beautiful and long-awaited one. Thank you so much for sponsoring us. I am so grateful for your organization, and so very impressed that you are heading such a wonderful thing. I know my family and I have a long way to go, but Transitioning Families has given us the tools to make that journey together.

It seems so inadequate to say just thank you. I am so very grateful for what you have done.

You’re often in my thoughts and always in my heart. Take care.